Updates to Utah Soundhouse in Light of Recent Guidelines from Gov. Gary Herbert
Late on 11/8/20, Governor Herbert issued a state of emergency for Utah. After checking with the state office, we have confirmed that Soundhouse is clear to continue to operate but have made the following adjustments to our safety protocols. These guidelines will be strictly followed with no exceptions until the state of emergency is lifted:
All musicians are required to wear masks or full faceshields (recommended for vocalists) at all times indoors unless they are actively playing a wind instrument.
Vocalists will be required to have their own mic for all rehearsals. If a vocalist does not bring a mic they will NOT be able to sing that day.
We strongly encourage the use of bell socks and masks with instrument openings for horn players.
Musicians will not be allowed to congregate or visit socially indoors and must strictly adhere to the 6’ social distancing requirement at all times.
All musicians must enter through the lobby door, have their temperature checked, and use hand sanitizer before beginning rehearsal.
We are imposing the following occupancy limit on each studio at all times:
Studio 2 – 5 person limit
Studio 4 – 4 person limit
Studio 6 – 10 person limit
As you have probably heard from the news, we expect the challenges of COVID to continue for the next few months, but we expect a return to normal activities – including live performing and possibly touring – by the spring and summer. We appreciate your support and willingness to be flexible through these challenges so we can continue to provide exciting opportunities, both musical and otherwise, to our many Soundhouse musicians.
Thank you!
Caleb Chapman’s Soundhouse